julho 31, 2024

[Segurança] Brazucas palestrando na Defcon, BSidesLV e Black Hat (aplausos)

Neste ano teremos um grande número de brasileiros palestrando na Black Hat, Defcon e BSides Las Vegas!!! #orgulho

São 16 palestrantes, pelas minhas contas, que merecem todo o nosso prestígio:
  • Chris Borges
  • Cybelle Oliveira
  • Emanuel Valente
  • Fabricio Gimenes
  • Felipe Pr0teus
  • Fernando Montenegro
  • Filipi Pires
  • Gustavo Robertux
  • Larissa Fonseca
  • Lucas Cioffi
  • Rafael Brinhosa
  • Ricardo L0gan
  • Roberto Espreto
  • Thiago Bordini
  • Ueric Melo
  • Victor Pasknel
  • Victor Santos
Além deles, e não menos importantes, teremos vários brasileiros palestrando na BRHueCon, na 2a feira dia 05 de agosto:
  • Alcyon Junior
  • Alexandre Brum
  • Arthur Aires
  • Filipi Pires
  • Larissa Fonseca
  • Matheus Vrech
  • Roberto Espreto
  • Samuel Pires
  • Thiago Bordini
Veja a lista de atividades, organizada por data:
  • Terça-feira (06/08)
    • 06/08 09:15 (Black Hat Omdia Analyst Summit): Fernando Montenegro - Communicating the Benefits of Cybersecurity Platforms
    • 06/08 11:00 (BSidesLV): Larissa Fonseca / And what if it was hacked? Tactics and Impacts of Adversarial Machine Learning - BSides
    • 06/08 15:30 (Black Hat Omdia Analyst Summit): Fernando Montenegro - Battle of the Platforms
    • 06/08 18:00 (BSidesLV): Fabricio Gimenes / Windows EventLog Persistence? The Windows can help us
  • Quarta-feira (07/08)
    • 07/08 10:30 (BSidesLV): Filipi Pires / Cloud Attack: Dissecting Attack Paths with Graph-Mode
    • 07/08 14:00 (BSidesLV): Emanuel Valente / DoH Deception: Evading ML-Based Tunnel Detection with Black-Box Attack Techniques (trilha Ground Truth)
    • 07/08 12:40 (Black Hat Arsenal): Rafael Brinhosa / APIDetector: Advanced Swagger Endpoint Detection and Vulnerability Analysis
    • 07/08 18:00 (BSidesLV): Cybelle Oliveira e Mauro Eldritch / The B-side that no one sees: the ransomware that never reached mainstream popularity 
  • Quinta-feira (08/08)
    • 08/08 13:55 (Black Hat Arsenal): Filipi Pires / Horusec: Elevating Vulnerability Detection in your code.
  • Sexta-feira (09/08)
    • 09/08 11:00 (Defcon / La Villa Hacker): Gustavo Robertux / Prendendo fraudadores utilizando técnicas de Red Team
    • 09/08 11:30 (Defcon / Cloud Village): Felipe Pr0teus e Lucas Cioffi - The Oracle Awakens: Demystifying Privilege Escalation in the cloud
    • 09/08 12:30 (Defcon / Adversary Village): Cybelle Oliveira e Mauro Eldritch / MFT: Malicious Fungible Tokens
    • 09/08 15:00 (Defcon / La Villa Hacker): Thiago Bordini / Removing OPSEC from Cyber Predators
    • 09/08 15:10 (Defcon / Cloud Village): Victor Pasknel - Epyon - Attacking DevOps environments
    • 09/08 16:00 (Defcon / Red Team Village): Roberto Espreto / Mac-n-Cheese: How to Cook Up Delicious Electron Techniques for Red Teamers
    • 09/08 16:00 (Defcon / La Villa Hacker)): Filipi Pires / Structural Insights: PDF analysis for detecting and defending against Threats
    • 09/08 17:00 (Defcon / La Villa Hacker)): Victor Santos / Painel: Cybersecurity Overview over Latam
  • Sábado (10/08)
    • 10/08 10:00 (Defcon / Red Team Village): Emanuel Valente / DoH Deception: Evading ML-Based Tunnel Detection with Black-Box Attack Techniques
    • 10/08 12:40 (Defcon / Cloud Village): Filipi Pires - Revealing Choke Points: Practical Tactics for Boosting Cloud Security
    • 10/08 13:00 (Defcon / Red Team Village): Ricardo L0gan / macOS Red Team on Corporate Scenarios
    • 10/08 14:00 (Defcon / Red Team Village): Filipi Pires / Cloud Offensive Breaches: The Graph-Based Exploitation of Misconfigurations
    • 10/08 14:30 (Defcon / La Villa Hacker): Christiane Borges / Make all the Things: Construa seus próprios "brinquedos"
    • 10/08 15:00 (Defcon / La Villa Hacker): Cybelle Oliveira / Ransomware B-Side: Los ransoms que nunca triunfaran
    • 10/08 15:00 (Defcon / Trilha 2): Helvio Carvalho Jr / HookChain: A new perspective for Bypassing EDR Solutions
  • Domingo (11/08)
    • 11/08 13:00 (Defcon / La Villa Hacker): Ueric Melo / Jeitinho Cibernético: A convergência da segurança no Brasil e América Latina 



Anote aí na sua agenda (incluindo o link para o site de algumas villages):

Tome cuidado!!! Las Vegas está sofrendo com uma forte onda de calor, com temperaturas em um nível recorde. Mantenha-se hidratado e evite atividades externas de longa duração.

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