julho 21, 2023

[Segurança] OTAN pretende responder a ataques cibernéticos!

A OTAN (Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte) fez mais um movimento para tornar ciber ataques um nível de agressão similar aos ataques físicos em um cenário de conflito.

Segundo o "Comunicado da Cúpula de Vilnius", publicado dia 11 de julho após a reunião de cúpula da OTAN na capital da Lituânia, a OTAN abriu a possibilidade de incluir ciber ataques no artigo 5 do Tratado de Washington, e assim ela vai passar a classificar um ciberataque a um dos países membros da aliança como uma agressão a todos os demais países, exigindo uma "resposta coletiva". Ela entende que um simples ciber ataque, ou um conjunto deles, pode atingir o mesmo nível de ameaça do que uma agressão armada convencional, no plano físico.

O texto original do comunicado é o seguinte:
66. Cyberspace is contested at all times as threat actors increasingly seek to destabilise the Alliance by employing malicious cyber activities and campaigns. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has highlighted the extent to which cyber is a feature of modern conflict. We are countering the substantial, continuous, and increasing cyber threats, including to our democratic systems and our critical infrastructure, as well as where they are part of hybrid campaigns. We are determined to employ the full range of capabilities in order to deter, defend against and counter the full spectrum of cyber threats, including by considering collective responses. A single or cumulative set of malicious cyber activities could reach the level of armed attack and could lead the North Atlantic Council to invoke Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, on a case-by-case basis. We remain committed to act in accordance with international law, including the UN Charter, international humanitarian law, and international human rights law as applicable. We continue to promote a free, open, peaceful, and secure cyberspace, and further pursue efforts to enhance stability and reduce the risk of conflict, by ensuring that international law is respected and by supporting voluntary norms of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. Today, we endorse a new concept to enhance the contribution of cyber defence to our overall deterrence and defence posture. It will further integrate NATO’s three cyber defence levels - political, military, and technical - ensuring civil-military cooperation at all times through peacetime, crisis, and conflict, as well as engagement with the private sector, as appropriate. Doing so will enhance our shared situational awareness. Strengthening our cyber resilience is key to making our Alliance more secure and better able to mitigate the potential for significant harm from cyber threats. Today we restate and enhance our Cyber Defence Pledge and have committed to ambitious new national goals to further strengthen our national cyber defences as a matter of priority, including critical infrastructures. We have launched NATO’s new Virtual Cyber Incident Support Capability (VCISC) to support national mitigation efforts in response to significant malicious cyber activities. This provides Allies with an additional tool for assistance. We will further seek to develop mutually beneficial and effective partnerships as appropriate, including with partner countries, international organisations, industry, and academia, furthering our efforts to enhance international stability in cyberspace. Complementing our existing exchanges, we will hold the first comprehensive NATO Cyber Defence Conference in Berlin this November, bringing together decision-makers across the political, military, and technical levels.
Essa postura é semelhante com a que ela tem, historicamente, no cenário de ataques físicos (invasões, bombardeios, etc) - a disposição para essa reação está descrita no tal artigo 5. Eventualmente isso poderá resultar em uma separação cada vez menor e confusa entre conflitos cinéticos e cibernéticos, permitindo uma reação militar clássica (isto é, física) contra um ciber ataque.

PS: Lendo todo o texto desse comunicado sobre a reunião da OTAN do dia 11/07, podemos ver claramente que a maior parte da pauta e das discussões envolveram o conflito da Rússia contra a Ucrânia.

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